Position Vault

This contract is a position vault that manages positions and orders for a trading system. It allows users to open and close positions, execute orders, and manage collateral.


This function initializes the contract with the operators, vlp, and vusd addresses.

function initialize(address _operators, address _vlp, address _vusd) public {
    operators = IOperators(_operators);
    vlp = IVLP(_vlp);
    vusd = IVUSD(_vusd);


This function allows the vault to create a new position order.

function newPositionOrder(
    address _account,
    uint256 _tokenId,
    bool _isLong,
    OrderType _orderType,
    uint256[] memory _params,
    address _refer


This function allows the vault to add or remove collateral from a position.

function addOrRemoveCollateral(
    address _account,
    uint256 _posId,
    bool isPlus,
    uint256 _amount


This function allows the vault to create an order to add to a position.

function createAddPositionOrder(
    address _account,
    uint256 _posId,
    uint256 _collateralDelta,
    uint256 _sizeDelta,
    uint256 _allowedPrice


This function allows the vault to create an order to decrease a position.

function createDecreasePositionOrder(
    uint256 _posId,
    address _account,
    uint256 _sizeDelta,
    uint256 _allowedPrice


This function allows users to self-execute a decrease position order after the selfExecuteCooldown period has passed.

function selfExecuteDecreasePositionOrder(uint256 _posId)


This function allows the vault to execute the removal of collateral from a position.

function executeRemoveCollateral(uint256 _posId)


This function allows the vault to execute an open market order.

function executeOpenMarketOrder(uint256 _posId)


This function allows the vault to execute an add position order.

function executeAddPositionOrder(uint256 _posId)


This function allows the vault to execute a decrease position order.

function executeDecreasePositionOrder(uint256 _posId)


This function allows the vault to execute a batch of orders also this function executes a batch of orders. The numOfOrders parameter specifies the number of orders to execute. The onlyOperator(1) modifier ensures that only an operator with level 1 can call this function.

function executeOrders(uint256 numOfOrders)


This function is called by the Order Vault contract to increase a position.

function increasePosition(
    uint256 _posId,
    address _account,
    uint256 _tokenId,
    bool _isLong,
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _collateralDelta,
    uint256 _sizeDelta,
    uint256 _fee


This function is called by the Vault contract to decrease a position.

function decreasePosition(
    uint256 _posId,
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _sizeDelta


This function is called by the Order Vault contract to decrease a position.

function decreasePositionByOrderVault(
    uint256 _posId,
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _sizeDelta

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