Liquidate Vault

This contract is responsible for managing the liquidation of positions in a trading context. It includes several functions and events for registering and executing liquidations, as well as validating


This function is used to initialize the contract and set up the necessary interfaces.


Register Liquidate Position

This function allows an address to register a position for liquidation.

    uint256 _posId

Liquidate Position

This function allows an address to liquidate a position if it meets certain conditions.

    uint256 _posId

Validate Liquidation With Posid

This function is used to check if a position is eligible for liquidation.

Example Input:

    uint256 _posId

Example Output:

// Returns a boolean indicating whether the position is liquidatable, and three integers representing pnl, fundingFee, and borrowFee respectively.

Validate Liquidation With Posid And Price

This function is used to check if a position is eligible for liquidation, given a specific price.

Example Input:

    uint256 _posId,
    uint256 _price

Example Output:

// Returns a boolean indicating whether the position is liquidatable, and three integers representing pnl, fundingFee, and borrowFee respectively.

Validate Liquidation

This function calculates the profit and loss (PnL), funding fee, and borrow fee for a position and checks if the position is eligible for liquidation.

Example Input:

    uint256 _tokenId,
    bool _isLong,
    uint256 _size,
    uint256 _averagePrice,
    uint256 _lastPrice,
    uint256 _lastIncreasedTime,
    uint256 _accruedBorrowFee,
    int256 _fundingIndex,
    uint256 _collateral

Example Output:

// Returns a boolean indicating whether the position is liquidatable, and three integers representing pnl, fundingFee, and borrowFee respectively.

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