Nitro Boost
An additional way to increase the credits received, the Nitro Boost affects all the credits received, including missions, black market deals and positive PNL, but won't increase your credits earned from your referrals.
It increases the credits obtained for the duration of 20 minutes by 20%, but you need to activate it before the effect starts to take place. You can do so immediately after purchasing it or stockpile them for a later use.
Currently, the price of the Nitro Boost is set at 50 Vela tokens, subject to increase, dependent on market conditions, black market dealers request and others. Purchase the Nitro Boost from the Grand Prix page or from the Events tab on the Trade page above the Trollbox.
Nitro Boosts are also one of the 6 available rewards obtainable from the lucky ticket raffle of season 3.
Last updated