Trade Bots API

This API allows you to place trades on a user's behalf using their 1CT ( one-click trading ) wallet. The user must first go to their settings page and generate an API Key and Key ID.

Base URL

The base URL for all the API endpoints is Common Headers

All API requests must include the following headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json

Depending on the endpoint and its purpose, you might also need to include:

  • vela-api-key: {Your_Api_Key} (for bot authenticated endpoints)

  • vela-key-id: {Your_Key_Id} (for bot authenticated endpoints)

Replace {Your_Token}, {Your_Api_Key}, and {Your_Key_Id} with your actual token, API key, and key ID, respectively.


In case of an error, the API returns a response with HTTP status code 500 and a body like the following:

  "error": "Something went wrong"

Rate Limiting

As of the current version of the API, there is no rate limiting.

How to Create an API Key on the Vela App

Here are the steps to generate your API key and key ID:

Step 1: Sign into the Vela App

Step 2: Once you're signed in, navigate to "Settings".

Step 3: Inside "Settings", find and select "API keys".

Step 4: Click on "Create API Key".

Step 5: You have now created an API key and Key ID. Keep these credentials safe as you will need them for future API calls.

Remember, don't share your API key and Key ID with anyone. Keep them confidential to ensure your account's security.


GET /trade-bots/data/{data_type}/:chainId

This endpoint allows you to fetch different types of data. Replace {data_type} with the type of data you wish to fetch (deposits, withdraws, open_orders, open_positions, closed_positions, portfolios). The endpoint should also contain your chainId.


vela-api-key: {Your_Api_Key} vela-key-id: {Your_Key_Id}

Path Parameters

The path parameter should be your chainId. Replace :chainId in the URL with your actual Chain ID.

Request Example

For instance, if you want to fetch open orders, your request would look something like this:

GET /trade-bots/data/open_orders/{Your_Chain_Id}

With the headers:

vela-api-key: {Your_Api_Key}
vela-key-id: {Your_Key_Id}

GET Function Examples:

Get Deposits:

"getDeposits": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Withdrawals:

"getWithdraws": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Open Orders:

"getOpenOrders": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Open Positions:

"getOpenPositions": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Closed Positions:

"getClosedPositions": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Portfolios:

"getPortfolios": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Balances:

"getBalances": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Pair Info:

You can find velaId here

"pairInfo": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Get Referrals:

"getReferrals": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": ""       

Check Referrals:

"checkReferrals": {
        "method": "GET",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "VELA-API-KEY": "Your API Key",
            "VELA-KEY-ID": "Your Key ID"

Pair Info Result:

velaId               : 1
assetSymbol          : BTC/USD
fundingRate          : -34315308077 // Divisor is 1000000000000000 (Multiply by 100 to get percentage)
borrowRateForLong    : 50 // Divisor is 10000 (Multiply by 100 to get percentage)
borrowRateForShort   : 2 // Divisor is 1000000 (Multiply by 100 to get percentage)
longOpenInterest     : 59184915236162755974461601376533508 // 30 decimals
shortOpenInterest    : 110511987612749582110504884622059762 // 30 decimals
maxLongOpenInterest  : 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 // 30 decimals
maxShortOpenInterest : 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 // 30 decimals
longTradingFee       : 800000000000000000000000000 // 30 Decimals
shortTradingFee      : 800000000000000000000000000 // 30 Decimals

Remember to replace {Your_Api_Key}, {Your_Key_Id} and {Your_Chain_Id} with your actual API Key, Key ID, and Chain ID.

POST /trade-bots/execute

This endpoint allows you to execute a function. The request body should contain name, chainId, and params attributes.


  • vela-api-key: {Your_Api_Key}

  • vela-key-id: {Your_Key_Id}

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure:

  "name": "{function_name}",
  "chainId": "{chain_id}",
  "params": {function_parameters}

POST Function Examples:


  • depositSelf or depositSelfUSDC

  "name": "depositSelf",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "amount": "10" // required


  "name": "depositSelfAllUSDC",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {}

Create Order without TPSL

  • newPositionOrder or newPositionOrderPacked

  "name": "newPositionOrder",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "tokenId": "2", // required,
    "isLong": true, // required,
    "positionType": "Market", // required, Enum:  "Market" "Limit" "Stop Market" "Stop Limit", 
    "lmtPrice": "1912.5", //Optional,  price for "Limit", "Stop Limit"
    "slippage": "0.3", // Optional, percentage for "Market", 0.3%
    "stpPrice": "1910.2", // Optional, price for "Stop Market" and "Stop Limit"
    "collateral": "20.0", // required, it should be at least 20
    "size": "20.0" // required

Create Order with TPSL

  • newPositionOrderWithTPSL

  "name": "newPositionOrderWithTPSL",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "tokenId": "2", // required,
    "isLong": true, // required,
    "positionType": "Market", // required, Enum:  "Market" "Limit" "Stop Market" "Stop Limit", 
    "lmtPrice": "1912.5", //Optional,  price for "Limit", "Stop Limit"
    "slippage": "0.3", // Optional, percentage for "Market", 0.3%
    "stpPrice": "1910.2", // Optional, price for "Stop Market" and "Stop Limit"
    "collateral": "20.0", // required, it should be at least 20
    "size": "20.0" // required
    "takeProfit": "1920.2", // Optional, If you want to place TP, then pass TP Price, if or not, dont pass
    "stopLoss": "1812.5" // Optional, if you want to place SL, then pass SL Price, if or not, dont pass SL Price

Decrease or Close Position

  • decreasePosition or decreasePositionPacked

  "name": "decreasePosition",
  "chainId": "1",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10", // required
    "size": "10.0", // required,
    "isLong": true, // required,
    "tokenId": "1", // required,

Add Position

  • addPosition or addPositionPacked

  "name": "addPosition",
  "chainId": "1",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10", // required
    "isLong": true, // required,
    "tokenId": "1", // required,
    "collateral": "10", // required
    "size": "20.0" // required

Increase Collateral

  • addCollateral

  "name": "addCollateral",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10", // required
    "amount": "10" // required

Increase Leverage

  • removeCollateral

  "name": "removeCollateral",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10", // required
    "amount": "10" // required


  • addTPSL or addTPSLPacked

  "name": "addTPSL",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10",
    "tpPrice": "1812.2",  // Only for TP
    "tpAmountPercent": "100.0", // percentage, Only for TP
    "slPrice": "1812.2", // Only for SL
    "slAmountPercent": "100.0", // percentage, Only for SL

Cancel Pending Order or TPSL

  • cancelPendingOrder

  "name": "cancelPendingOrder",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10" // required
  • cancelTPSL

  "name": "cancelTriggerOrder",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10" // required
    "orderId": "0", // required

Add Trailing Stop

  • addTrailingStop

  "name": "addTrailingStop",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "posId": "10", // required
    "collateral": "10.0", // required
    "size": "20.0", // required
    "amountPercent": "100", //required percentage
    "trailType": "PERCENT", //required Enum: "PERCENT" "AMOUNT"
    "stopLossPrice": "1920.0",// required
    "trailingAmount": "0.2" //required if trailType is "PERCENT", this is 0.2%, if it is "AMOUNT", then 0.2 

Associate customer with your trade bot

If you are a bot builder, please reach out to the Vela team to have your trade bot platform address registered

  • setPlatformUsed

  "name": "setPlatformUsed",
  "chainId": "42161",
  "params": {
    "platform": "0x...", // platform address, required



This endpoint is part of the Trade-Bots module and it provides candle chart data for a given cryptocurrency pair, during a specified time period.

"getCryptoChart": {
        "method": "POST",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "vela-api-key": "{Your_Api_Key}",
            "vela-key-id": "{Your_Key_Id}"
        "body": {
            "pair": "crypto_pair",
            "time": "time_period",
            "from": "start_date",
            "to": "end_date"


The response will be a JSON object with the result of the execution. The structure of this object will depend on the function that was executed.

Last updated